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Top 5 Jeep Wrangler Interior Musts

Rugged Ridge Floor MatsFloor mats cover your carpet protecting it from mud, water & debris. When they get dirty, remove them and spray them off. Perfect for the Jeep Mom, Off-roader, and Wrangler owners who live in the snowbelt.   Car Seat Side PocketDo you get tired of your phone dropping between the seat and the center console? I constantly lose my stuff to the SEAT GAP. This Gap filler will...

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Stocking Stuffer Gift Idea #11

Tail Light Cover  These retail for $75. If you google tail light cover you can find many more designs. Other Stocking Stuffer IdeasMechanix Work Gloves  Gear Plate CoverEasy Screw, Top Tool™ use the Coupon Code: JeepMommaGet 15% off Ace Engineering Jacket Jeep SocksDFO HammocksMagnetic Finger ToolDoor Handle InsertsShifter Knob Knit Jeep Beanie Hat  

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My Purple Jeep

Uniqueness is part of my attraction to the Jeep Wrangler. There are so many different modifications a person can make to their Jeep to give it that special uniqueness. Adding color is one easy and sometimes inexpensive way to do just that. Purple is my accent color of choice. Yes, I am a Minnesota Vikings fan, but I have loved the color purple since I can remember. Even as a little girl, I...

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Stocking Stuffer Gift Idea #10

Mechanix Work Gloves A must for all Jeepers who do their own wrenching on their Jeep. Protects your hands from cuts and scratches. Plus gives you good grip. These made a big difference for me when I was trying to loosen those stubborn bolts. Other Stocking Stuffer Ideas Gear Plate CoverEasy Screw, Top Tool™ use the Coupon Code: JeepMommaGet 15% off Ace Engineering Jacket Jeep SocksDFO HammocksMagnet...

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Stocking Stuffer Gift Idea #9

Gear Plate CoverA cool accent to add your own personal touch to your Jeep. I bought one and will be painting it purple! Only $9.50 Other Stocking Stuffer IdeasEasy Screw, Top Tool™ use the Coupon Code: JeepMommaGet 15% off Ace Engineering Jacket Jeep SocksDFO HammocksMagnetic Finger ToolDoor Handle InsertsShifter KnobKnit Jeep Beanie Hat

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