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Brian Cookson’s response over cycling crisis is too little, too late | Owen Gibson

The UCI president breaks his silence over the Fancy Bears hack and TUE revelations to insist ‘it’s clear, as far as I can see, no rules have been broken’As the planet’s finest cyclists battled through Doha’s searing temperatures and eerie crowd-free calm at the world road racing championships, Brian Cookson could be forgiven if he was starting to feel the heat too.Amid the furore over the three therapeutic use exemptions (TUE) granted to Bradley Wiggins in 2011, 2012 and 2013, then the claims made by the former Sky rider Jonathan Tiernan-Lock about the powerful painkiller Tramadol and, finally, the mystery medical package delivered to Sky on the day Wiggins won the Critérium du Dauphiné in 2011, increasingly uncomfortable questions have...

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Pathetic, faceless hackers are trying to drag me and other athletes through the mud | Sam Quek

Britain’s Olympic hockey gold medallist Sam Quek on her anger and frustration about being named by Fancy Bears hackersI was embarrassed and frustrated when I saw my name in the latest list of Olympians leaked by Fancy Bears. To me they are merely pathetic and faceless hackers attempting to drag athletes through the mud. My frustration does not stem from a medical record being made public and my privacy being violated, though. I am more annoyed about the reaction. The feeling of going on Twitter or scrolling through certain media to see headlines like “Gold medal winner takes banned substance” was not pleasant.This comes with the naturally raised profile of winning an Olympic gold medal, but therapeutic use exemptions (TUEs)...

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