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Democrats Probably Won’t Force A Shutdown Over DACA

Liberal activists and some congressional Democrats want the party to oppose any government funding bill that does not address DACA — even if that leads to a government shutdown. But the party can’t actually block a funding bill unless basically all the Senate Democrats are on board. And it doesn’t look like they are. Negotiations […]

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Politics Podcast: Immigration Showdown

Democrats and Republicans are at an impasse over immigration policy, with a potential government shutdown looming. Anna Maria Barry-Jester joins the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast crew to talk about the partisan divisions at play and whether an agreement is likely. The team also weighs Democrats’ odds of winning the Senate this fall, after Nate wrote an […]

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Democrats Appear To Have Lost The DACA Fight For Now

The Democrats thought that December was the month they could use the threat of a government shutdown to force congressional Republicans to pass a law that offers protections from deportation and other benefits for some young undocumented immigrants. But the passage this month of such a law, along the lines of the Obama administration’s Deferred […]

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Shutting Down The Government Over DACA Is A Risky Bet For Democrats

Welcome to Pollapalooza, our weekly polling roundup. Today’s theme song is “The Critic — Main Theme” from the television show “The Critic.” Poll of the week Congress on Thursday postponed its fight over government funding for a couple of weeks. But Democrats may still try to make future funding contingent on replacing former President Obama’s […]

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