Sports – FiveThirtyEight — Medicaid RSS

Does Medicaid Expansion Have A Shot In A State As Red As Idaho?

Washington may have (mostly) stopped talking about the Affordable Care Act, but debates over the law are still raging in some states. Take Idaho. Just as the state was seeking to allow the sale of health insurance plans that don’t comply with the law, a group of activists was pushing to put Medicaid expansion on […]

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The GOP Plan To Overhaul Entitlements Misses The Real Problem

Energized by the successful passage of tax cuts, some Republicans are eying a new target: entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare. House Speaker Paul Ryan is leading the charge, arguing that the only way to break the cycle of rising deficits and surging debt is to reduce entitlement spending. Political resistance is likely to […]

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What Went Down On Election Night 2017

Micah Cohen 11:36 PM A Good Night For Democrats That’ll do it for us tonight, dear readers. We got a lot of interesting new data to sift through, and we’ll have more analysis of the day’s results soon. But for now, Democrats pick up governor’s mansions in Virginia and New Jersey. The Virginia House of […]

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