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More Terrorist Attacks Can Make People More Resilient

On Monday, just hours after the arrest of a man accused of setting off an explosion in an underground walkway in midtown Manhattan, former New York City police commissioner Howard Safir responded with a message that was both sobering and resolute. “We’re going to be faced with this in the future,” he said on CNN. […]

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What Went Down On Election Night 2017

Micah Cohen 11:36 PM A Good Night For Democrats That’ll do it for us tonight, dear readers. We got a lot of interesting new data to sift through, and we’ll have more analysis of the day’s results soon. But for now, Democrats pick up governor’s mansions in Virginia and New Jersey. The Virginia House of […]

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Yankees vs. Mets: The Battle For New York’s Heart

A Quinnipiac University poll released Monday found that, in a hypothetical Yankees vs. Mets World Series, 59 percent of New York City residents would root for the Yankees, and 37 percent would favor the Mets. The Yankees haven’t always had such a large lead on this question. So what influences the balance between Yankees and […]

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Yankees vs. Mets: The Battle For New York’s Heart

A Quinnipiac University poll released Monday found that, in a hypothetical Yankees vs. Mets World Series, 59 percent of New York City residents would root for the Yankees, and 37 percent would favor the Mets. The Yankees haven’t always had such a large lead on this question. So what influences the balance between Yankees and […]

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