A massive debate is playing out over legislation that affects the lives of every American: taxes. But are the changes under consideration actually going to make a difference to your bottom line? As it happens, most people don’t have a mortgage, most people don’t own stocks and, as a rule, most people are unaffected by […]
Insurers want it, but Republicans want it gone. A Supreme Court case over it nearly brought down the Affordable Care Act. And now the individual mandate is up for debate once again. The Senate tax bill, which is scheduled to come to the floor for consideration this week, is set to include a repeal of […]
At first glance, adding a provision to the Senate tax bill that would repeal Obamacare’s individual mandate seems like a huge political risk for Republicans. On second glance, “blunder” might be a more accurate assessment. Why? Because Republicans, who were already advancing a tax bill that was not particularly popular but had some momentum toward […]
Welcome to Pollapalooza, our weekly polling roundup. Today’s theme song: “Every Time I Turn Around” from the television show “Punky Brewster.” Poll(s) of the week We’ve been telling you to pay attention to the generic congressional ballot for a while now. Well, Tuesday’s results showed why. An ABC News/Washington Post poll and a separate CNN […]
In the year since the 2016 election, we’ve never stopped speculating about the reasons behind the results. Twelve months ago, CNN outlined 24 theories of the election, U.S. News and World Report offered a restrained five, and even the British media got in on the act. But it seems that there are as many hypotheses […]