You’re reading Significant Digits, a daily digest of the numbers tucked inside the news. 27 percent Percentage of people born 1981 to 1996 who approve of President Trump’s job performance, compared to 65 percent who disapprove. The younger a generation is the more it disapproves of Trump’s performance. [Pew Research Center] 50 percent That’s the […]
Things That Caught My Eye We put some baseballs in an X-Ray Are the balls juiced? Are material changes to the ball an influence on the spike in home runs analysts have found? Commissioner Manfred says that the balls have not changed, but a number of studies from journalistic outfits, this one included, seem to […]
Things That Caught My Eye We put some baseballs in an X-Ray Are the balls juiced? Are material changes to the ball an influence on the spike in home runs analysts have found? Commissioner Manfred says that the balls have not changed, but a number of studies from journalistic outfits, this one included, seem to […]
You’re reading Significant Digits, a daily digest of the numbers tucked inside the news. 20 percent Comcast’s NBCUniversal announced that it intends to cut the number of advertisements during its channels’ primetime commercial breaks by 20 percent in the fourth quarter. It’s an attempt to compete against companies like Netflix and Hulu, where commercial time […]
You’re reading Significant Digits, a daily digest of the numbers tucked inside the news. 4 hot spells The North Pole is in the dead of winter, but temperatures may have nonetheless soared above 35 degrees Fahrenheit there, which is above freezing. At the North Pole. In winter. This kind of event is becoming more common; […]