SportTechie — concussion research RSS

NFL Insurers Seek To Compel Info From League’s Concussion Doctors

Insurance companies suing the NFL are looking to force the disclosure of information from NFL-affiliated doctors for potential evidence of the NFL’s prior knowledge of concussion risks. According to a report from L.A. Biz Journal, the insurance companies are seeking information from four former doctors and one current doctor. The insurers are exploring the possibility of […]

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Study Finds Football Players Have Altered Brain Activity, But Not Necessarily From Concussions

There’s considerable discussion regarding how football players’ brains are affected by minor, repetitive collisions that occur throughout a game, not just from the hits that result in concussions. But a new study out of Indiana University suggests that football players’ brain activity may appear altered because of brain reorganization that occurs when mastering hand-eye coordinations […]

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Sports Innovation Lab CEO Pledges Brain To Concussion Research

Former Olympian Angela Ruggiero, who won medals as part of the U.S. women’s hockey team over three winter Games, pledged to donate her brain for concussion research, it was announced by the Concussion Legacy Foundation. Ruggiero is a four-time Olympian who participated as recently as 2010 and has been inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame. […]

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Blood Biomarker Sensor Could Change Brain Trauma Testing For Athletes

A team of researchers at Purdue University has developed a method of testing for the onset of diseases that could prove more effective at diagnosing traumatic brain injuries than the multitude of concussion detection devices currently in use across high school, college, and pro sports. The new method, which Purdue announced earlier this week, uses […]

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