SportTechie — Concussion RSS

NHL Is Using A 40-Year-Old Method To Test For Concussions

Created in the 1970s for the purpose of examining reading ability, the King-Devick test is now being used 40 years later for something a bit different—concussion testing. A King-Devick test taker will rapidly read numbers that are spaced at varying levels of difficulty. Since the eyes are closely linked to the brain, a change in […]

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Football Helmet Maker Riddell Now In Same Legal Hot Water As NFL

Another week, and the NFL concussions saga continues to rage on. CTE, a degenerative brain condition, is maintaining its assault on ex-NFL players following their years of head trauma. The $1 billion concussion settlement between the NFL and approximately 20,000 former players is certainly well documented, but now helmet makers Riddell have fallen into the […]

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