SportTechie — Crowdfunding RSS

Connected Cycling Pedals Raise $50,000 In 24 Hours On Indiegogo

Every day items are getting “smarter” on a regular basis now. Phones, robots, cars, watches, and now bikes are getting a hi-tech make-over. Today, Connected Cycle, a French startup that develops products to improve the overall cycling experience, announced the launch of a Indiegogo campaign for the world’s first smart bike pedal. They hit their […]

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FanPay Looks to Pay College Athletes Despite NCAA’s Protests

The Ed O’Bannon versus NCAA case has changed the way that companies do business. After the District Courts ruled that the NCAA was in anti-trust violation for profiting from the likeness of athletes without compensation, the door was opened for new and innovative forms of payment for student-athletes. Founded in August of 2014, FanPay is […]

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