SportTechie — Gary Bettman RSS

New Hockey Technology Impresses At World Cup, Still Faces Challenges

As many NHL players dusted off their skates for the World Cup of Hockey last month, the league itself saw the event as an experiment with new technology. “Whether it’s digitally enhanced dasher boards or puck and player tracking, we’re ready to embrace new technology that isn’t a gimmick,” NHL commissioner Gary Bettman said in an early […]

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How the ICEdot Crash Sensor Will Be the Injury Prevention Mechanism of the Future

A look at the ICEdot as it would look on a helmet in action. (ICEdot ) Marcellus Wiley, Jim McMahon, and Jeremy Newberry are just a few of the thousands of former professional football players who recently agreed on a $765 million settlement with the NFL over long-term disabilities engendered by multiple sustained concussions. Hockey players, though not as heavily publicized, have followed in their own litigious footsteps as well. Many coming from previous, less technologically-savvy generations divulge their frustrations from lack of knowledge and sometimes poor judgment throughout their careers via these lawsuits.

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