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The Doping Science Behind the Lance Armstrong Saga

(Stefano Rellandini/Reuters) With national team selections, triathlons, and not to mention seven consecutive Tour de France victories, Lance Armstrong is the most successful American–and possibility even the most successful international cyclist of all time. But everyone has their flaws, and everyone makes their mistakes. Lance Armstrong is no different. After years of scrutiny and dodging positive drug tests, the Founder of the Livestrong Foundation admitted in 2013 in an interview with Oprah Winfrey that he did indeed use performance enhancing substances during his cycling career. Lance Armstrong admitted to the following: EPO, testosterone, cortisone, human growth hormone, blood transfusions, and blood doping. But before we delve into the drugs that Armstrong used, it is essential to take a look at...

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How Technology Will Impact Sports by 2030

Greetings from the future! The year is 2030, and sports have come a long way in the last 17 years. Allow me to elaborate. No sense easing you into it. I might as well dive right in and let you know that human growth hormone is legal in the NFL now. Back in 2013, where you’re from, the information on HGH was still a little sketchy. For instance, your doctors weren’t sure what the negative repercussions would be on an otherwise healthy adult taking this synthetic version of something the body produces naturally in adolescence.

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