SportTechie — Nashville Predators RSS

Nashville Predators Offer ‘A Day In The Life’ VR Experience To Fans

Instead of watching Pekka Rinne via a 2D linear experience or through short snippets on social, why not be able to journey alongside the Nashville Predators netminder as he enters Bridgestone Arena, walks through the player tunnel, suits up and takes the ice? Wes Burtner described the “A Day in the Life” virtual storytelling as a way to […]

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Nashville Predators CEO Sean Henry Discusses How Technology Can Impact The Connected Fan

The following interview is part of our ongoing Expert Series that asks C-level professionals, team presidents, league executives, athletic directors and other sports influencers about their latest thoughts and insights on new technologies impacting the sports industry. Name: Sean Henry  Company: Nashville Predators/Bridgestone Arena  Position: President/Chief Executive Officer/Alternate Governor   Sean Henry is currently the President, Chief Executive Officer […]

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