SportTechie — Polar RSS

How Coaches Are Keeping Their Players In Shape Year-Round

Despite the endless hours San Diego Gulls head strength and conditioning coach Justin Roethlingshoefer puts in over the long haul of the American Hockey League season, his work doesn’t stop once the games are over. For Roethlingshoefer, keeping players in peak physical shape remains a year-long endeavor – especially for those who perform at the […]

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San Diego Gulls Reaping Benefits Of Polar Team Pro System

San Diego Gulls head strength and conditioning coach, Justin Roethlingshoefer, is keenly aware of the difference between training professional athletes on an individual basis and in a team setting. This acknowledgment from a coach is critical in differentiating a good team from a great team. When it comes to keeping the Gulls in peak condition […]

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Analyze Individual Athlete Data To Get The Most Out Of Your Team

In a highly competitive, peak-level athletic landscape in which injury prevention and career longevity have become critical to championship-level success, Polar has emerged as an industry leader in performance tracking technology. As top-level athletes strive to remain in-tune with how their bodies react to, respond to and recover from intensive training ­– both in-season and […]

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NASCAR Cup Champions Explain How They Use Wearables, Analytics

NEW YORK — When Kevin Harvick first wore a Polar heart-rate monitor during a NASACR race a few years ago, he sent the data back to the company for help with the analysis. Their response: “Wow, this wasn’t really what we were expecting.” Few outside the sport understood the driver’s physical strain during a long […]

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