SportTechie — RightEye RSS

RightEye, Tobii Team Up To Improve Vision In Sports With Interactive Tests

It goes without saying that superior hand-eye coordination is essential for athletes to perform at their best. But what if their eyes aren’t working as well as they could? Consider eye-tracking technology as the solution. RightEye LLC, a company that creates vision tests and optical training games through eye-tracking technology has announced its partnership with […]

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Using Eye Tracking To Optimize Vision Performance And Concussion Monitoring

RightEye LLC, a health technology company that uses eye tracking to optimize vision performance and patient care, recently partnered with SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI), a leading manufacturer of eye tracking technology, to use SMI eye trackers in vision tests.  RightEye will use SMI’s new RED-oem technology in their vision tests that help healthcare providers check patients’ […]

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