SportTechie — Rio Olympics RSS

Kelsey Robinson Of Team USA Volleyball Documents Her Use Of Tech As She Travels The World In Preparation For The Rio Olympics

Professional and Team USA Volleyball player Kelsey Robinson is documenting how she is using technology on her journey to the 2016 Rio Olympics. She can be followed on Twitter at @Krobin32.  Hong Kong, China – It’s currently 9:00 a.m. in Hong Kong. I’m looking out my hotel window, overlooking a harbor surrounded by high rises. It would […]

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Getty Images To Invest Heavily In Virtual Reality For 2016 Rio Olympics

Last year Getty Images launched its first 360-degree images made for the virtual reality Oculus Rift . At the time the photo agency vowed to become more involved in virtual reality, and wanted to incorporate it into news, sports and entertainment. A year later, Getty Images has created Getty Images Virtual Reality Group, with the hopes […]

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