In an era where fractions of a second mean the difference between medaling or not, a new genetic test similar to 23andMe promises to unlock the secret to enhanced athletic...
Elite wearables company STATSports is seeking to enter the competitive amateur athlete market with its new APEX Athlete Series wearable. The bluetooth-enabled GPS device relies on the same core technology...
A new ESPN documentary series seeks to pop open the lid on how technology is powering a new age of athletic training and what that might mean for the future...
Sports technology companies have become the latest in a long line of targets for patent trolls or “non-practicing entities” (NPEs). We previously discussed the world of these trolls in 2016....
At iFly indoor skydiving tunnels, students are learning some of the fundamentals of physics by tossing balls into flight chambers, where powerful air currents are strong enough to suspend objects mid-air. The STEM...