SportTechie — Stem cell therapy RSS

Stem Cell Treatment in Sports: Helping Athletes Recover Faster

14-time Grand Slam winner, Rafael Nadal, will undergo stem cell treatment on his injured back in Barcelona this week. Several big name athletes have traveled across the world seeking this treatment, including the NFL’s Peyton Manning, the NBA’s Pau Gasol, and the MLB’s Bartolo Colon, among others. Nadal’s Doctor, Angel Ruiz-Cotorro, told the Associated Press: “We are […]

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New Stem Cell Therapy Procedure Could Have a Major Impact on Sports Injuries

( You are never younger than you are right now. While youth is a fleeting and priceless resource for everyone, it is especially valuable to athletes who make a living -and in some cases a brand- on using their bodies to constantly execute elite physical movements.For professional athletes, aging is an inescapable and brutal truth when injuries begin to pile up in the twilight years of a career. In some cases this can lead to a very anti-climactic and frustrating end to some great playing days (We will miss you, Steve Nash).But it’s not all bad news for athletes who constantly have to deal with physical afflictions. For as long as pro sports have existed advances in medical technology have...

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