SportTechie — Tennis RSS

Tennis Tech Startups Serve It Up at The Tennis Show 2014

  As all sports technology startups try to become mainstream, one of the several, underlying prevalent issues remain constant: education of a respective company’s benefits from its technology to the consumer level. Be it derived from the tech sector over sports or vice versa notwithstanding, common ground needs to transpire in order to reach desired […]

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Present and Future Impacts of Nanotechnology in Sports

The rich history of sport has provided mankind with decades of arguments over who’s better, faster, stronger, while the present interpretation of rules provides the fan with something to debate while enjoying cold beverages. The future, on the other hand, may just make history obsolete because of one thing… Nanotechnology is described as the following: […]

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PlaySight, the SportVU of the Tennis World, Brings Analytics to the Court

Tennis players are always searching for ways to improve their game. Coaching and intense practice sessions can only get them so far. When players want to get a higher level of understanding of their game and increase their competitiveness, they invariably turn to technology for assistance. Performance management techniques show ways to maintain and promote […]

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[INFOGRAPHIC] The Technological and Scientific Evolution of Modern Tennis

The Babalot smart tennis racquet is a far cry from the 1874 version shown in the info-graphic below. (Babalot) Sports are always being  tweaked.  Year after year, some moves that improve the game and some that seem forced and contrived. This season professional baseball changed its game forever by  instituting instant replay, forever eliminating the memorable umpire-manager confrontations that have been a part of the game for decades. College football will unveil its new playoff system this year after the decades-old system of determining the national champion by computer rankings or writer votes.  And we all know how active the NFL has been, constantly modifying its rules to adapt to the ever changing landscape of football and its safety concerns....

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Tennis Anyone? Tennis Buddy App Brings Players Together

Tennis takes two, and sometimes the hardest part of tennis is finding a partner to hit with. What happens when you’re dying to play some tennis, but none of your friends have time? You no longer have to resort to hitting against a wall, because Tennis Buddy makes finding an opponent easy and accessible. The […]

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