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The Potential of Google Fiber for the Sports World

It wasn’t long ago that internet users were waiting for their modems to dial in through their phone lines.  The dreaded dial-up sound will forever haunt a particular generation.  As for parents, they won’t soon forget yelling at their kids to get off the internet so they call aunt Susan.  Cable has possibly come even […]

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The Top Five Social Media Campaigns of the 2013 MLB Regular Season

For a sport that has been so resistant to changes within the game, Major League Baseball has been surprisingly receptive to changes coming around the game – specifically how it’s enjoyed by fans. MLB has embraced social media as a method for driving fan engagement and new interest in the sport. Through its award winning […]

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Does iOS 7 Present a Threat or Opportunity to the Sports Mobile Space: An Exclusive Interview with WillowTree Apps

“It is the biggest change to iOS since the introduction of the iPhone.” Apple’s Tim Cook, Chief Executive Officer, made this statement about iOS 7 during the Worldwide Developers Conference a few months ago. This announcement superseded news regarding iTunes Radio, Mavericks, and the Mac Pro. iOS 7 isn’t a simple facelift from previous versions, it’s a critical juncture towards what lies ahead for the future of this operating system.

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College Football 2013: Where Players and Tech Grow Up

Georgia’s Greg Mulkey uses an iPad during a meeting of tight ends. (Photo: Michael A. Schwarz, USA TODAY) College football has just begun, but as any true fan of the game will attest, it never truly ends. The pursuit of NCAA compliance (and efforts to identify and leverage potential loopholes, police potential infractions and avoid potential downfall), the business of scouting and recruiting (and the dedication to improve those operations), off-season conditioning and training (and the advances to maximize health in preparation for a game working in direct opposition of it): all of these “off-season” endeavors and more have turned college football into a 365-day challenge.

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Analyzing Samsung’s Galaxy Gear for the Sports and Fitness Fan

Above is a picture of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, left, and a Galaxy Gear smartwatch, right.(Photo: Michael Sohn, AP) It’s not breaking news when I say that Apple and Samsung have been feuding for quite some time now.  The fact is, that feud has burrowed deep into the electronics world.  Now, it can make its way into the world of physical fitness. There has been a lot of speculation surrounding the “smart watch revolution”.  Apple appears to have an iWatch in the works and we all know after today’s announcement that Samsung is releasing its own version of a smart watch: Samsung Galaxy Gear.

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