SportTechie — World Series RSS

What #PricelessSurprises Are in Store for MLB and America?

Leave your wallet at home. The days of lugging around a pocket full of plastic cards are nearly over. With the recent introduction of Apple Pay, Major League Baseball is now the first professional sport to integrate this highly anticipated technology. While our friends in Japan have been embracing mobile payment services, its popularity has […]

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How Snapchat Took Millions of Users to the World Series

They say, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” but what about the value of a series of photos and videos that share your perspective? If you’re a Snapchat user, chances are you have already used “My Story” to share an event or life experience with your followers for 24 hours. A new feature released […]

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Holography’s Potential to Revolutionize Treatment of Baseball Injuries

The injuries afflicting Major League Baseball pitchers have always been considered a byproduct of the sport; over time, wear and tear from accumulated innings and pitch counts causes injury. However, the word “epidemic” is on the rise and becoming synonymous with pitchers, and the injuries they sustain This year alone, the MLB has seen 65 […]

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