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Appetize App Comes to Madison Square Garden

In the sports industry, marketing departments attempt to fill in as many seats and bring in as much revenue as possible. Not only must they compete with other teams, but also other places where consumers could potentially spend their money–because after all, sports is a source of discretionary spending. As a result, techniques are evolving […]

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Adding Some Tech to the NBA All-Star Festivities in New York

The NBA is adept at growing the sport of basketball, and it vows to continue to grow its international popularity through technology. But with the 64th NBA All-Star Game commencing in New York City this weekend, how can the NBA use technology to improve one of its biggest stages? “One of my goals as commissioner […]

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profileMyRun Is Bringing Running Science to Everyone

Every athlete knows that proper form is important, especially with running. Correct running form can lead to increased speed and lower the risk of injury, but the downfall is that this information is not readily available to all that need it. profileMyRun doesn’t just tell you how long you have run or how many miles […]

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NBA Commissioner Adam Silver Tests Virtual Reality at Stanford

Becoming a professional athlete is hard. Only 0.03 percent of high school basketball players will ever make it to the NBA, according to NCAA statistics. The reality is that most of us will never know what it’s like, but what if there was a way to experience this feeling. If you’re anything like me, you, too, […]

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