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FanVision Puts Broadcast in Hands of Fans at Sporting Events

In the heat of a pennant race in September or on the 16th hole on Sunday of the U.S. Open, you, as the fan observing, want to see it all. With tight races, fantasy stats on the line, and a championship trophy at stake, you need to stay updated. Most days in your technology-driven world you check your Smartphone during the event or race to see what’s going on. This constant monitoring makes you miss the action and wastes a ton of phone battery and data, making it inconvenient for most fans. FanVision is here to change this fan experience.

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Beats by Dre Before Apple: Headphones Playing Sports

“Fuck sneakers. Let’s sell speakers.” This infamous remark sparked the epiphany behind building Beats Electronics. Music mogul Jimmy Iovine simply took a stroll down a California beach one day and serendipitously bumped into Dr. Dre several years ago. Dr. Dre discussed with Iovine that his lawyer stressed to him to consider giving his likeness for […]

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The Results Are In: Keeping Your Eyes On the Ball Is Essential

For the last 50 years scientists have conducted numerous studies to understand how baseball players can run, track and catch a fly ball. Many of those studies settle on an explanation that more or less stipulates what every coach will tell you: “Keep your eye on the ball.” Without visual contact of the ball, a […]

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Hexoskin Is the First Biometric Shirt for Movement, Respiration, and Heart Activity Tracking

Canadian crowd-funded startup, Hexoskin, promises a one-stop-shopping scenario for the wearers of their smart shirt. Which gives detailed reports about training as well as their general overall health. Neither health orientated technology nor wearable technology are new. Hexoskin joins several companies, such as the French company Cityzen Sciences, makers of Smart Sensing Shirt, in offering […]

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