Yahoo Sports is seeking to rethink a classic sports genre—the evening studio show—with The Bounce, a new mobile-friendly NBA program co-produced by the league and Turner Sports. The Bounce will...
Discovery, best known for its popular science documentary network The Discovery Channel, is becoming a major player in the digital sports broadcast world. Having launched GolfTV earlier this month, the...
The International Hockey Federation announced a new live OTT streaming platform that will be powered by Switzerland-based streaming tech firm Mycujoo. FIH.Live will stream all FIH competitions in 2019 in...
Sports data and intelligence firm STATS announced a multiyear deal with KeySports Management, a talent agency company with clients across European soccer. STATS will provide Key Sports with advanced soccer...
In 2009, Usain Bolt set a world record for the 100 meter race, clocking in at 9.58 seconds. For viewers tuning in at home, his record might have been undetectable....