SportTechie — Bike Tech RSS

Colorful SmartHalo GPS Device Can Enhance Bike Rides

Montreal-based CycleLabs Solutions designed SmartHalo, a bike-mounted GPS navigation device. The company hopes the simple, circular, hands-free GPS device will revolutionize how cyclists find their way around town. The small, minimalistic, waterproof GPS navigation device pairs wirelessly via Bluetooth with the user’s smartphone. The company’s iOS and Android apps allow the user to plug in […]

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Connected Cycling Pedals Raise $50,000 In 24 Hours On Indiegogo

Every day items are getting “smarter” on a regular basis now. Phones, robots, cars, watches, and now bikes are getting a hi-tech make-over. Today, Connected Cycle, a French startup that develops products to improve the overall cycling experience, announced the launch of a Indiegogo campaign for the world’s first smart bike pedal. They hit their […]

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The BikeTag Gives Any Cyclist A Smart Bike

On any given day, a hardcore cyclist can ride many miles and be gone for hours. But crashes can cause the cyclist to be isolated without the ability to communicate. That is why TagitLabs created BikeTag, a safety device that keeps cyclists safe and connected on the road or trails. BikeTag begins tracking immediately when the […]

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