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Brady, Strahan Partnership Secures Courtside VC And Advancit Capital Funding

Super Bowl champions Tom Brady and Michael Strahan raised $3 million in venture capital funding for their production company from CourtsideVC and Shari Redstone’s Advancit Capital. The former foes joined forces in February, along with filmmaker Gotham Chopra (son of Deepak Chopra) and investor Ameeth Sankaran, to formally launch Religion of Sports, a digital production startup. According […]

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WHAM Network Seeks To Engage All Gamers, From Casual To Pro

The 1960s birthed surf culture, a lifestyle centered on the beach involving everything from fashion to music and film. Whether someone ever picked up a longboard was almost beside the point: there were participatory cultural touchstones, from wearing flip-flops and board shorts to listening to the Beach Boys that fostered a “shared sense of belonging […]

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