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Elite Athletes Are Using Flashing Lights To Train

Human beings are a mobile species. It’s ironic and counterintuitive to analyze all the complicated attributes of movement through static motor devices. Human performance is most accurately documented and improved upon through meticulous visual, cognitive and dynamic motor training. FITLIGHT Trainer is a wireless sensor device composed of 8 LED lights operated by a tablet […]

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The Importance of Vision in Sports: An Exclusive SportTechie Chat with Doctors Charlene Henderson and Tracy MacIntyre

“Vision is your most important muscle, and a natural enhancement will help take your play to the next level”–Doctors Charlene Henderson and Tracy MacIntyre. Doctors Charlene Henderson and Tracy MacIntyre partnered to form “Sports Vision Carolina” in 2013. This facility, located in Charlotte, North Carolina is dedicated to testing, training, and enhancing the vision of athletes. We spoke with them regarding many of the different gadgets they make use of to help their clients.

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