GPS powerhouse, Garmin, has made waves through the golf industry of late, releasing three hi-tech GPS monitors specific to the sport. A smart watch, a swing sensor and a pocket-sized tracker make up the three devices. The swing sensor is brand new to the company, while the smart watch and handheld tracker are both upgrades […]
For both professionals and amateurs, sport is about fine margins. Whether it be the margins of competition or simply personal goals, wearable technology continues to develop in helping us to monitor progress and achieve more. By 2021, the wearable technology industry will be worth a staggering $44.2 billion. Watches, clothing, you name it- most likely, […]
Today, we love to assess ourselves; to know who we are, and what we’re made of. Whether it is for our career, knowing what skills we bring to the table, or where within the marketplace we fit best. And now, perhaps most popular, is our desire to assess our health and fitness levels. Many organisations […]
Strength training is all about getting results in the shortest time possible. But unless you’re an expert how do you know where to focus your efforts for optimal performance? This is where Mpower believes it can provide a solution. Mpower is a new training accessory with the ability to accurately measure and show muscle activity, allowing […]
New technology from startup ventures is transforming the sports industry. The mission of this series will be to introduce startup companies in the sports technology space to a broader audience and allow Founders of promising new ventures to tell their story. Feel free to contact us if you know of a startup that should be considered […]