Life can be tough for aspiring athletes as they try to make it big professionally. Grueling training hours and numerous expenses make it tough for those who have to scrap their way to the big leagues. Luckily for them, Sqor Inc., a social sports platform, has started a new crowdfunding operation that allows athletes to […]
Blast Motion, a company at the forefront of wearable technologies, recently announced its newest contribution to the sports world, Blast Golf. Blast Golf is part of the company’s sport motion capture solutions that records putter strokes and driver swings, capturing real-time performance metrics of players’ swings. These performance metrics are then shareable through social […]
Bitcoins: The new digital currency that many understand about as much as they understand the math behind the NCAA ranking system. Or perhaps Bitcoins have never been important enough to understand. The underlying idea of Bitcoins is something to certainly build upon. But is there a potential real-world application for something so intangible? Solving a […]
Endless channels of entertainment and streams of information sit at our fingertips. As technology in sport begins to evolve, there will be even more opportunities to enhance the social fan experience. London-based startup Flip Sports is looking to change the fantasy sports market by bringing the team manager experience to every fan. Short for Fantasy […]
If you’re a sports fan, you’ve pretty much been relegated to the realm of cable programming in order to get quality coverage and commentary on the games you want to see. For those of us without a cable plan, the options are pretty limited. Our teams don’t always make the network channels, and the internet […]