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Finnish Startup Myontec Makes Smart Shorts for Everyday Athletes

Between Google Glass and the much-anticipated release of the Apple Watch, the parameters within the wearable space are continually being defined. Everything from eyewear to wristwear has become real estate for manufacturers to try to tap into. In fitness circles, plenty of companies are offering garments of some kind coupled with a certain degree of […]

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A Call for a Safer Levi’s Stadium from a San Francisco 49ers Season-Ticket Holder

While the 49ers have addressed many off-the-field concerns, fan safety at the games has not garnered as much public attention. (Wikipedia Commons) Editor’s Note: ​Kai Savaree-Ruess is a long-time San Francisco 49ers fan and a season-ticket holder for the 49ers. While SportTechie is a major proponent of a safe fan experience, the views in this article represent Savaree-Ruess’.  As the San Francisco 49ers prepare for a Monday Night Football game in St. Louis tonight, it’s as good of time as any to discuss the odd year they are having so far. Despite having gone to three straight NFC Championship games, many reports already have Jim Harbaugh out as coach after this season, barring a Super Bowl victory. Maybe even still. ​Levi’s Stadium...

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Myontec’s Mbody Intelligent Sportswear Primed to Improve Athlete’s Training

Myontec, a sportswear company, recently announced its Mbody intelligent sportswear is now available to general consumers. The company also claimed that the technology is perfectly suited for use in athletic training for basketball players. Already used by the Los Angeles Lakers, and many other professional athletes, for years, the technology is now being made available […]

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A Look at Xenith’s Shock-Absorbing Football Helmet

Football has always been a violent sport, but as of late, the impact and severity of the collisions have skyrocketed, especially with the heavy emphasis placed on size, strength, and speed of players in an ultra-competitive environment. Due to the long-term repercussions, the most dangerous forms of violent hits are the blows to the head, […]

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