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Beyond the Box Launches Latest Update in Continued Platform Expansion

  (Beyond the Box) It’s been almost a year since Beyond the Box, a revolutionary sports news app, released a major update to SportTechie. Well, Beyond the Box 2.4 has been released, and it has some fantastic new features. When we last covered an update to Beyond the Box, it was only available on the iPad. Ten months later, Beyond the Box is on the iPhone, and is functioning well. The new platform transition seems to have gone well; and users are appreciating having another second-screen device for this app. SportTechie has covered Beyond the Box since its creation, and Shailo Rao, the app’s Founder, has updated us with every development.

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The Importance of Vision in Sports: An Exclusive SportTechie Chat with Doctors Charlene Henderson and Tracy MacIntyre

“Vision is your most important muscle, and a natural enhancement will help take your play to the next level”–Doctors Charlene Henderson and Tracy MacIntyre. Doctors Charlene Henderson and Tracy MacIntyre partnered to form “Sports Vision Carolina” in 2013. This facility, located in Charlotte, North Carolina is dedicated to testing, training, and enhancing the vision of athletes. We spoke with them regarding many of the different gadgets they make use of to help their clients.

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Why Do Mountain Climbers Waste Away?

The old folklore admonition to “feed a cold and starve a fever” is not only good medical advice; it may explain something weird that happens to mountain climbers. Climbers who spend extended periods at high altitude lose weight and eat less while they are there. Two British researchers think this phenomenon is the consequence of an evolutionary adaptation that protects vital organs in cases of severe illness and injury, and may give important insights into the treatment of patients in intensive care units.

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ESPN Launches New Updates to SportsCenter App for Football Season

Sports enthusiasts are in luck. ESPN has recently updated their SportsCenter app for any diehard fan, with all new features that are sure to satisfy their needs. The improved SportsCenter app features an all new “On-Air” component that allows users to tune in on live broadcasts on ESPN Radio and WatchESPN. The “On-Air” feature redirects […]

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Timex Ironman One GPS+ Is a Stand Alone Fitness Smartwatch

When reviews say that Timex has ushered in a new era of training watches, the reviews are far from kidding. The watch company, already an industry giant itself, has teamed up with two additional industry behemoths in Qualcomm and AT&T to pioneer the first ever all-in-one training watch. The Timex Ironman One GPS+ looks as […]

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