Right now, there probably isn’t any company on the planet hotter than WhatsApp.
This week the mobile messaging app maker reached the outstanding milestone of 500 million monthly active users. The engagement levels within it have proven to be just as impressive: 700 million photos and 100 million videos each day. Such rapid growth and interactivity by its users led to Facebook acquiring them for $19 billion just a few months ago. They have clearly positioned themselves to be a leader in the global communications landscape.
Last week, Union Metrics, rolled out an Instagram analytics tool that allows brands/organizations to get detailed information about users who interact with posts on the service. Union Metrics calls it “detailed participant reporting,” and it is a tool that helps brands (or sports team in this case) identify their biggest fans. Tools within the service […]
What if the latest innovation in sports technology could tell you what sports you are more predisposed to finding success in? Five years ago, researchers from the Department of Movement and Sports Sciences at Ghent University, led by Wim Derave, developed the Muscle Talent Scan project. This new method, described in further detail below, can […]
Are you tired of your muscles aching for days after starting a new workout? Are you not seeing results from workouts quick enough? Do you wish there was a different way to ensure your muscle is retained and enhanced during your workouts? Well, muscle stimulators are the best solution for most, if not all, of […]
This post is the fifth installment of our #SportsInSTEM Series, which explores, demonstrates, and illuminates how sport serves as a vehicle to train and enlighten students of all ages in pursuing interests and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. If you or someone you know is using sports to help with STEM education, then […]