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Three Under the Radar Apps for the 2014 MLB Season

It’s that time of year again. Baseball time. The weather is slowly starting to warm up and each team starts the year with a clean slate and high hopes. For fans it’s time to get ready to work baseball back into their schedule and prepare to root for their favorite team throughout the season. In recent years, it has become very easy for fans to follow every pitch whether they are at the ballpark, on the couch or at the grocery store. Twitter, apps and DVR have totally changed how fans consume games and by now every fan has a routine as precise as a Greg Maddux two-seam fastball.

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Fanamana Looks to Hit Home Run and Move Into Daily Fantasy Sports

In advance of the DC Sports+Tech Summit hosted by the Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies and the DC Sports Tech Meetup group, Joshua Meredith is providing some insight into the companies taking part in the Showcase, which begins at 4 p.m. on April 4th. Capturing the millennial mind and dollar is a consistent conversation […]

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Method to the Madness: Using Technology to Enhance Your Big Dance Experience

Stanford is one of the Cinderella teams from this year’s tournament.  This post originally appeared on Before the NCAA Tournament gets back underway today, let’s take this opportunity to look at some of the effects technology is having on both the sports we watch and how we watch them. While (hopefully) a good number of brackets are still giving fans hope, it only took until the second day of the tournament for all entries in Warren Buffet’s ‘Billion Dollar Bracket’ challenge to be eliminated. Mercer’s first round upset of Duke ruined all but .03 percent of the entries, according to While entrants in the challenge are probably wishing that technology could have helped them pick the perfect bracket to...

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