In the beginning, running social media for a sports franchise was easy. Post a game result on Facebook; watch likes accumulate; rinse and repeat. Twitter’s surge in popularity spurred a subsequent increase in fans’ thirst for more content. The explosion of Instagram brought with it a focus to publish high quality images on every network. […]
Greetings from the future! The year is 2030, and sports have come a long way in the last 17 years. Allow me to elaborate.
No sense easing you into it. I might as well dive right in and let you know that human growth hormone is legal in the NFL now. Back in 2013, where you’re from, the information on HGH was still a little sketchy. For instance, your doctors weren’t sure what the negative repercussions would be on an otherwise healthy adult taking this synthetic version of something the body produces naturally in adolescence.
Ever wanted a game that plays the business side of sports? Then, the NBA General manager app might be the right fit for you. Instead of playing the role of the athletes on the court like nearly every other video game, this app allows the user to control the business and front office decisions via simulations to feel like the general manager.
Cal’s athletics department announced the sale of field naming rights to mobile gaming company Kabam. Kabam is working on a new logo that will be unveiled next spring. (Lance Knobel) Since the beginning of organized sports in the modern era, sponsorship’s have played a prominent role in defining how we see athletics. Whether it is a promotional commercial, a professional soccer jersey, or a stock car at the Daytona 500, we are exposed to an unfathomable number of company advertisements and logos on a daily basis. Sports sponsorship’s have dramatically increased after a tremendous boom in the sports industry during the 1970’s, and with the quantity of sponsorship’s continuing to rise, it appears there is no turning back. In fact,...
The latest edition in 2K Sports esteemed basketball video game franchise, NBA 2K14, hit the shelves on October first to the delight of millions of basketball gamers worldwide. Game developer Visual Concepts repeatedly establishes the 2K series as the premier basketball simulation, and it is a popular seller on all console platforms. For the third […]