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How SportVU Came to be the NBA Analytics Game Changer

( and STATS LLC) The world of sports has become a game of numbers. Driven by undeniable evolutions in performance tangibly influenced by such efforts, the successful marriage of analytical evaluation has enjoyed an amazing journey, from an eccentric fascination to a progressive experiment to an industrial necessity. Teams are in the business of research, and many are dedicating substantial budget to keep up with any and everything you might find in use by the competition. In the NBA, teams are taking it step further, not only by pushing analytic icons into executive offices, but also by pushing analytic limits in empowering their visions for tomorrow. Consider the rise of SportVU. The flurry of headlines revolving around this application’s attachment to...

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Basketball Passport: Relive Your Hoops Journey Online

Basketball, like any sport, is a shared experience. It isn’t just about watching and playing the game. It’s about imparting this passion to all those who also share the same love for it . Tonight, the NBA opens a new season filled with compelling storylines abound. Will LeBron James complete a three-peat? Can Derrick Rose […]

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How iPads Will Continue to Revolutionize Sports

In today’s increasingly digital world, technology is becoming an integral part of sports at all levels. iPads are one of the biggest technologies to have made an impact in the sporting world, making tasks that were once monotonous both entertaining and interactive. With Apple’s recent release of the new iPads which are now lighter than […]

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