SportTechie — Dallas Cowboys RSS

Dallas Cowboys Get Cleared By FAA To Use Drones In Training

The Dallas Cowboys are making the most of the technology available today through the use of drones in their training sessions, but not everyone saw this as a good idea. When asked “why?” we do something, a common response is to ask another question; “Why not?”, and the Q&A will usually stop there. In this […]

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Dallas Cowboys Adding Technology to the Mix in Big D

Ah, the Dallas Cowboys. A globally known staple of Americanism, Big D is perhaps most famous for their once rigid Doomsday Defense, their former success under the legendary Tom Landry; and before this surprise season, their recent curse of mediocre 8-8 finishes. On a brighter note, the one star that never seems to fade in […]

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The 4 NFL Stadiums with the Most Advanced Technological Amenities

Football is officially back and Sundays are booked. It’s difficult to compete with a relaxing Sunday afternoon on a LA-Z-Boy in front of a big screen with snacks and the boys. However, NFL executives are working hard to bring people away from the remote and into the stadiums. Giants’ Owner, John Mara, told Yahoo Sports: “TV […]

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