The expansion of NFL Play to FourSquare presents an opportunity for the NFL to solidify its relationship with fans in attendance, by giving them the ability to win prizes and contests only available via the app.
FourSquare simultaneously benefits from the $1 billion deal since it is poised to experience more traffic from people who may not have been active users, but decide to download the application in order to enjoy the rewards presented by NFL Play.
Niche social networks could very well be the way of the future. People want to be around others that are like-minded and share their experiences with them. Forums of any subject or hobby have long existed since the dawn of the internet.
Some are diluted like what pervades the medical arena, yet others like the sneaker-head community thrive in hubs evident in NikeTalk. The latter of which touches on the realistic promise attainable through cultivating discussion and tools that caters to them.
In today’s world of sports, it is inevitable that teams use social media as a way to connect with their fans. It is almost impossible to watch a game on TV, or go to a game, without somewhere seeing, “follow us on Instagram and Twitter @______________.” Social media has become so important that teams hire a person, whose only job is to be in charge of their various accounts. In order to best understand how teams are utilizing the technology available to them, I am going to analyze the social media tactics of the Miami Heat on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You might ask why the Heat, and my answer is simple: along with being the best team in the...
Director of Strategy and Analytics at Freshwire and Founder/Publisher of Partnership Activation, Brian Gainor, was the guest on episode six of the DSMSports Podcast. Brian offered several insights on how to pitch and execute brand partnerships in sports. What follows are some snippets plus the full audio recording of the interview. [slideshare id=27793916&doc=episode6brianganor-snippets-131031182340-phpapp02] Also, be […]
On November 3, the International Olympics Committee (IOC) launched a new Olympic Athletes’ Hub app in order to connect fans with Olympic athletes like never before. With a searchable directory of all athletes and their various social network feeds, fans can find their favorite stars on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Another unique feature within the […]