In today’s world of sports, it is inevitable that teams use social media as a way to connect with their fans. It is almost impossible to watch a game on TV, or go to a game, without somewhere seeing, “follow us on Instagram and Twitter @______________.” Social media has become so important that teams hire a person, whose only job is to be in charge of their various accounts. In order to best understand how teams are utilizing the technology available to them, I am going to analyze the social media tactics of the Miami Heat on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You might ask why the Heat, and my answer is simple: along with being the best team in the...
It is a problem that plagues sports fan all over the country. You are out of town and wanting to watch your favorite team, but have no clue where the best places in town are to watch. Web searches sometimes provide you the answer, but often times this experience has ended with you watching at […]
Director of Strategy and Analytics at Freshwire and Founder/Publisher of Partnership Activation, Brian Gainor, was the guest on episode six of the DSMSports Podcast. Brian offered several insights on how to pitch and execute brand partnerships in sports. What follows are some snippets plus the full audio recording of the interview. [slideshare id=27793916&doc=episode6brianganor-snippets-131031182340-phpapp02] Also, be […]
(Zepp Sports)
In the current age of sports, athletes are looking to get the leg up and be able to analyze and correctly evaluate their games as effectively as possible. Zepp Labs, a leader in sports sensor technology, announced today the availability of the world’s first app-powered multi-sport sensor and dedicated apps for baseball, golf and tennis.
The Zepp Multi-Sport Sensor captures 1,000 data points per second and helps you analyze your swing and improve your game. The data provided by the device gives you quick evaluations of your swing, whether in golf, basketball or tennis.
In just eight years, a small startup formed in a college dorm turned into an Internet powerhouse valued at over $100 billion. Yes, everyone knows the story of Facebook and how a couple college dropouts turned into billionaires seemingly overnight. Since the Internet boom of the late 90’s and early 2000’s, hundreds of thousands of […]