The social video platform Grabyo has just announced their partnership with La Liga. The deal aims to enhance sports videos for hundreds of millions of La Liga fans. Grabyo will provide fans with instant replays and behind-the-scenes content. La Liga hopes to create a more engaged fan base that will contribute to larger merchandise sales […]
DRIVN, a mobile sports and fitness startup, has recently partnered up with the region’s top men’s hockey programs including national champions Providence College, Boston College, Boston University, and Harvard. These teams are using the new mobile coaching app to enhance their 2015-2016 NCAA Championship performance DRIVN is a mobile app with aims to improve team […]
In a new test feature spotted by users, Facebook Messenger is experimenting with adding live sports updates to people who are already chatting about the subject. The first test of Facebook Messenger’s new feature appears to have been triggered by users who were messaging back and forth about the World Series that wrapped up on […]
For all you Snapchat users out there, the NFL has announced their first sponsorship on the app with Skittles candy. The Skittles ad ran successfully during the Live Story last Thursday during the Seattle Seahawks vs. San Francisco 49ers game. Which of course makes sense due to Marshawn Lynch’s sponsorship with the candy. The 10-second ads were […]
The NBA has announced a very unique partnership with IMG to broadcast live basketball games on Sport 24, a 24/7 sports channel available on several international airlines including Italy’s Alitalia, UAE’s Emirates, and Germany’s Lufthansa. The sports channel brings passengers live sports events, coverage, commentary, and news. In addition to the NBA, Sport 24 covers the UEFA […]