SportTechie — Digital Media RSS

Why The NBA Is Better For Social Media Than Any Other League

Social media is a powerful force. It can be utilized as a deadly weapon, mighty enough to take the world’s most famous athletes from eminence and adulation and banish them to a life of scorn and irrelevance with just the click of a button. All it took was one photo of Olympic hero, Michael Phelps, […]

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Why Digital Endorsements Are Changing The Sports World

Brands have been marketing their products and services with professional athletes for years. Having an athlete endorse a product adds credibility, exposure, and shows alignment with the brand’s corporate beliefs and values. Typically, brands would find an athlete spokesperson or brand ambassador and have her or him wear its logo, use its products, and talk […]

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Quantifying The Social Virality Of English Premier League Sponsors

In the spirit of furthering discussion on visual earned media measurement,  we are showcasing a Brand Virality Leaderboard ranking the sponsors of the English Premier League.  Using a machine learning system from Logotrakr, the leaderboard tracks team sponsor logos in images and video on Twitter and measures the virality of those images against their peers.  Think […]

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