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LockerDome Announces Partnership with First Professional Team

Recently, LockerDome partnered with their first professional sports team in the St. Louis Blues. Since the last time we covered LockerDome, they have increased their monthly unique visits from four million to 11 million currently. Along with their increase in traffic, they are being recognized by Forbes and partnered with USA Today to increase their brand awareness.

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NFL Draft: First Round Twitter Recap

The NFL Draft has grown in to one of the largest non-game sport spectacles of the calendar year. And like every other sports event, social media has become an integral part of the proceedings. However, this year ESPN and NFL Networks agreed to not tweet the draft picks before Roger Goodell announces them on stage. In previous years, picks were tweeted moments before they aired because networks were informed early for production purposes, thus making Goodell’s official announcements mere formalities. But this year fans spoke out and said they wanted to enjoy watching the draft on television and not have Twitter upstage the many inevitable surprises that every draft provides.

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Sqor Big During the NFL Draft With Brett Favre

This is an exciting time for sports fans as football is right around the corner. Now during the NFL Draft, fans can Sqor some exclusive content from the athletes themselves! Sqor is a new sports social platform that will connect fans directly to the athletes.  It is a channel for professional athletes to communicate with their fan base rather than posting on Facebook and Twitter. “Our goal is to facilitate the relationship between fans and the professional athletes,” says Social Marketing Manager Liz Kantor.

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The Best NBA Webisode You Haven’t Seen: Life+Times’ ‘Road to Brooklyn’

“Aww man, I’m Jackie Robinson  ‘Cept when I run base, I dodge the pen Lucky me, luckily, they didn’t get me Now when I bring the Nets, I’m the black Brach Rickey” These “Brooklyn Go Hard” lyrics represent part of the theme song for Christopher Wallace’s, also known as Biggie Smalls, biopic called Notorious. It was only appropriate for the movie’s filmmakers to call upon the latest Brooklynite great, Jay-Z, to convey the borough’s story as an entry way to Wallace’s legacy. Likewise, these very same lyrics personify his own stature and influence within the current pulse of Brooklyn, particularly as the Nets establish roots as the first professional Brooklyn sports franchise since the Brooklyn Dodgers.

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