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College Football Recruiting Is Rapidly Adopting Technology

At the core of each college football team is a staff that has to have the ability to recruit. The success of a program is directly correlated to the quality of players they are able to bring in year in and year out. Schools like Alabama, Ohio State, and Oregon are consistently in contention for […]

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5 Brands Who Won Big on Social Media During Super Bowl XLIX

In a day and age where Super Bowl advertisements are aired before the game, you would think that social media activity during the game would die down due to the commercials not being original content anymore. Super Bowl XLIX proved that wasn’t the case, as there was significant social media discussion centered around many of […]

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Social Media Gives Professional Athletes Powerful Platform

2014 was filled with superstar athletes speaking out on major social issues. From LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, and Derrick Rose wearing the “I Can’t Breathe” shirts, to the St. Louis Rams “hands up” gesture to acknowledge the events in Ferguson, athletes are taking on a stronger presence than just being athletes, but are now being advocates. In […]

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Sports Brands Provide a Better Way to Think About Instagram

Engagement. It’s a seemingly catch-all term that, no doubt, has increased in usage 1000 percent or more in the last few years. But it means different things to different organizations and different people with, well, different goals. Broadly speaking, social media engagement is defined by any intentional action taken with a post–a like, a comment, […]

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